medilaser Why Smart Sourcing is More than Just Cost Savings | Desuvit

In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations in the IT sector are increasingly turning to smart sourcing as a strategic approach to optimize their operations. While cost savings have traditionally been the primary motivation behind outsourcing IT services, smart sourcing goes beyond mere financial considerations.

This article explores the multifaceted benefits of smart sourcing and why it has become a crucial aspect of IT strategy. If you are looking for new ways to improve your business even further, we have something for you. Join us as we discuss why smart sourcing is more than cost savings and how it enhances your business!

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Cost Savings as just a part of the smart sourcing equation

Cost savings play a crucial role in smart sourcing, but it’s essential to recognize that it is just one piece of the puzzle. IT businesses can significantly reduce expenses by optimizing procurement processes and finding cost-effective office supplies or hardware pieces suppliers. However, the benefits extend beyond mere financial gains. In truth, cost savings achieved through smart sourcing can even help with business automation. By freeing up financial resources, IT companies can invest in automation technologies, streamlining operations and enhancing efficiency. Automating repetitive tasks, like data entry, and optimizing workflows save time and reduce human error risk. That leads to improved productivity and cost-effectiveness in the long run. Therefore, while cost savings are undeniably significant, smart sourcing holds the potential to drive automation and propel IT businesses toward tremendous success.

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Risk mitigation and business continuity

In today’s uncertain business landscape, risk mitigation and business continuity are paramount, which is why small IT businesses should outsource various functions like digital marketing, and outsourcing may be the right choice in general. Smart sourcing provides an effective strategy for mitigating risks associated with sudden market shifts or supply chain disruptions. By relying on external experts who stay abreast of industry trends, small businesses can adapt swiftly and minimize the impact of unforeseen circumstances. By entrusting their sourcing to professionals, small IT businesses can focus on their jobs while benefiting from the expertise of experienced professionals.

The possible access to specialized skills and expertise

Access to specialized skills and expertise is a significant advantage of smart sourcing. Outsourcing specific tasks or projects allows businesses to access a global talent pool with diverse skill sets. That will enable you to tap into specialized knowledge and capabilities that may not be available in-house. Whether it’s web development, graphic design, data analysis, or content creation, outsourcing provides access to IT professionals with the expertise needed to deliver high-quality results. Moreover, these external experts are often up-to-date with industry trends and best practices, ensuring that businesses receive top-notch solutions. By leveraging the specialized skills of external partners, IT companies can enhance their overall performance and competitiveness. This collaborative approach fosters innovation, enabling businesses to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional products or services to their customers.

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The enhanced flexibility and scalability

Enhanced flexibility and scalability are critical benefits of smart sourcing. By outsourcing certain functions, IT businesses gain the ability to adapt quickly to changing market demands. This flexibility allows them to allocate resources more efficiently, focusing on other business aspects, such as improving website usability and enhancing customer experience. With the burden of sourcing activities lifted, companies can fully capitalize on the results. For instance, organizations can refine their online presence, optimize user-friendliness, drive conversions, and eliminate repetitive administrative work while at the same time better focusing on intricate IT tasks.

Additionally, scalability becomes easier to achieve through smart sourcing. Whether an IT business needs to ramp up its workload or streamline operations during lean periods, external partners can swiftly adjust their services to meet fluctuating demands. That ensures cost-effectiveness and enables businesses to stay agile in dynamic market conditions.

Focus on core competencies.

The ability to focus on core competencies is a significant advantage of smart sourcing. By delegating non-core tasks to external experts, IT businesses can channel their energy and resources toward activities that differentiate them in the market. Instead of spreading themselves thin across various functions, organizations can concentrate on what they do best. For example, an IT company can focus on eliminating bugs from their software while relying on outsourced services for areas like human resources or accounting. That not only enhances efficiency but also improves overall productivity and quality. By honing in on their core competencies, IT businesses can deliver exceptional value to their customers and stand out. Focusing on core competencies also fosters innovation, as resources can be allocated towards research and development, exploring new ideas, and improving existing offerings. So, smart sourcing enables businesses to grow by concentrating on what sets them apart.

Improved time-to-market and competitive advantage

Two key benefits of smart sourcing are improved time-to-market and gaining a competitive advantage. By leveraging external expertise, IT businesses can accelerate their product development cycles and quickly bring innovative solutions to the market. This speed-to-market provides a crucial edge in fast-paced industries where being first can make all the difference. Additionally, smart sourcing allows companies to tap into specialized skills and resources, enhancing their ability to create and deliver high-quality products or services. Businesses can access the latest technologies by collaborating with external partners on digital solutions. And even benefit from industry insights and best practices, giving them a competitive edge. So, ultimately, improved time-to-market and competitive advantage achieved through smart sourcing pave the way for sustained growth and long-term success.

Collaborative partnerships and long-term relationships you can achieve

Collaborative partnerships and long-term relationships are invaluable outcomes of smart sourcing. Businesses can cultivate a sense of mutual trust and cooperation by forging strong alliances with external suppliers. This collaborative approach fosters open communication, idea-sharing, and problem-solving. Building long-term relationships with suppliers enables IT businesses to tap into their expertise and gain valuable insights. That, in turn, facilitates innovation and continuous improvement.

Moreover, long-term partnerships often lead to cost efficiencies. That is because suppliers become more familiar with the company’s needs and can offer customized solutions. By working closely, businesses and suppliers can align their goals, streamline processes, and drive mutual growth. Additionally, these collaborative partnerships provide a stable foundation, ensuring reliability in the supply chain and minimizing disruptions. Finally, the benefits of collaborative partnerships and long-term relationships extend beyond cost savings, fostering innovation, efficiency, and sustainable success.

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Cultural differences: When companies outsource IT tasks to countries with different cultures, they may face challenges in communicating with their vendors and understanding their business practices.

Language barriers: Language barriers can also make it difficult for companies to communicate with their vendors. This can lead to misunderstandings and delays in projects.

Security risks: When companies outsource IT tasks to countries with less stringent security regulations, they may face increased security risks. This is because their data may be more vulnerable to attack or theft.

Use case examples

Nike: Nike uses a variety of smart sourcing arrangements to develop and manufacture its products. The company outsources some of its manufacturing to low-cost countries like China and Vietnam. It also uses smart sourcing to source materials, such as rubber and fabric. Nike’s smart sourcing strategy has helped the company to reduce its costs and improve its agility.

GE: GE uses smart sourcing to develop and maintain its IT infrastructure. The company outsources some of its IT tasks to third-party vendors. It also uses smart sourcing to consolidate its IT systems and services. GE’s smart sourcing strategy has helped the company to save money and improve its IT performance.

Walmart: Walmart uses smart sourcing to source its products from suppliers around the world. The company has developed a sophisticated supply chain management system that allows it to source products from the lowest-cost suppliers. Walmart’s smart sourcing strategy has helped the company to keep its prices low and attract customers.

Tips for Companies Considering Smart Sourcing:

Do your research: Before you implement a smart sourcing strategy, it is important to do your research and understand the risks and benefits involved.

Choose the right partners: When you are outsourcing IT tasks, it is important to choose the right partners. Make sure that they have the skills and expertise that you need, and that they are reliable and trustworthy.

Set clear expectations: It is important to set clear expectations with your vendors. This includes defining the scope of work, the timeline, and the budget.

Manage the relationship: It is important to manage the relationship with your vendors closely. This includes communicating regularly, monitoring progress, and resolving any issues that may arise.

A final comment

Now that you understand why smart sourcing is more than just cost savings, you can put in the effort to implement it! You must be careful with your business partners’ and suppliers’ selection. Still, as long as you are, you stand to gain much!


Desuvit is a Norway-born software development company delivering Custom Software Development, Mobile Apps, and Web Applications Development for various verticals and business domains. We offer end-to-end solutions for companies with no software or IT division, Startups, and companies that need to scale their software development efforts but lack the expertise required. We help our clients in growing their businesses so we can grow with them.

Some of the technologies we work with: .Net, Azure, Microservices, Azure functions(Serverless computing), React Native, Flutter, React JS, TypeScript, Angular, NServiceBus, Azure Service Bus, Azure Queues, SQL Service, MySQL, Cosmos DB, etc.

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